dust bunnies zine

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yaoi angel, yuri devil… i see no difference love is love. i’m kahel of the USA (RED, WHITE, AND BLUE BABBBEEYYYY), the mutual oomf that brought the other two together. i am a big lover of pretty boys and handsome girls and also love the jrock band Haze. my zodiac is aries (aries supremacy) and when i am not sleeping i like to read manga or watch horror gameplays till 3 am.



im echo! i typically take on editorial roles and i'm excited to help bring dust bunnies to life! i'm an aries sun, a bad badtz maru enjoyer, and i have a weakness for slice-of-life anime with cute girls. my primary inspirations come from punk rock, speculative fiction, and 3-hour video essays. when not writing, i can be found reading, feeding crows, or shuffling my magic: the gathering cards.



i’m soup and i own seven beanie baby snails. i like to draw cute girls, listen to shoegaze, and play dress up in my room. my inspiration comes from the harajuku, gyaru, and gothic lolita fashion magazines that i collect. if you need me, i’ll be fighting furry allegations on twitter. meow!